Termite Control

Termite Control Service

Professional termite control services are critical for keeping termite breeding in check, whether at home or in the office. Our termite control services are designed to provide effective termite elimination and prevention in cities all over B.C. PestZap offers professional termite control services that are guaranteed to eliminate associated hazards such as:

Parasitic hazards

Termites tend to invite a lot of other dangerous pests and vermin into your office or household that have parasitic tendencies. Other wild creatures such as rats and snakes often take advantage of termite colonies to feed on and use as habitats. This means that the presence of termites in your home or office will result in infestations of other pests and vermin. PestZap’s services can help you to eliminate all these pest hazards before they compound and become an even greater menace.
pest control services in British Columbia

Health hazards

Termites can be very vicious, especially when they feel threatened, which is an unavoidable scenario when co-existing in the same place. They can cause food contamination as well as serious skin damage, leading to food poisoning cases and leaving bite holes and bite marks on the skin that often scar for life. Some people are also allergic to these small creatures and may need medication in the event of an encounter.

Property damage hazards

Termite infestations can lead to the damage of wooden property, paper materials, and food items. These can all be very costly to repair or replace with some items even proving to be irreplaceable.. If left unattended, termites can lead to serious damage such as hollow furniture and chewed-up documents. PestZap is determined to be your most reliable and convenient termite control service provider all over the lower mainland! Call today for your free inspection!